to Crossway
One of the things we value at Crossway is the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. We trust that you will be blessed by our study of Scripture as we seek to grow in our faith.
We also highly value sharing God’s grace with others.
If you have any needs that you would like someone to pray with you about, or if you simply want to talk to someone, be sure to let us know.
It is our hope that you and your family find Crossway a place where you can grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings:
We have Equipping Hour at 9:00am.
This is our primary topical teaching time.
Classes are taught by a variety of members or pastors and
address important and engaging topics such as:
following Christ through trials, having a godly home, caring for one another,
and other vital topics.
During this hour we also have nursery and Sunday School classes for kids of all ages.
Our Main Worship Service is at 10:15am.
The Sunday morning service is our main gathering.
In this service we join together as a church body and worship our Savior through music, prayer, communion, and preaching.
Nursery (0-2), our Pre-School class, and Jr Church (5-5th) are available for those too young to sit in the service.
First Time Guests:
We would love to meet and welcome you.
Every church says it’s biblical right? This needs to be more than just a claim, it must be a commitment of the church to let the Bible define what we do, how we do it, and even why we do what we do. A genuine faith in God will lead us to follow His Word in the big issues, social issues, and even personal issues. We believe God gives life through His Word (James 1:18), so our church family commits to following God’s Word for all belief and behavior.
We love your kids and enjoy serving them and you by providing child care. If you have a child with you, talk to one of our greeters to find out how to get them checked into our child care program. Our nursery (0-2 years) can be found in the Commons. Our Pre-School classes can be found in the Quad. Kids 5 years - 5th grade will be dismissed from the Auditorium right before the sermon starts. Following the service you can pick up young children in the nursery and older children from the Commons. We’ve included a map in your welcome bag to help you find where to take your kids.
The musicians will lead us in 4-5 gospel-centered songs. The emphasis at Crossway worship services is not about creating a moment of feeling, but rather a moment of truth that is centered on Jesus and focused on His work.
We love to sing praises to God and sing about who He is as revealed to us in the Bible.