A Biblical View of Discipleship.
A Christian is a Disciple
The essence of the Christian life is following Jesus Christ. This is what the word disciple means.
We are followers of Jesus and his teaching. The Bible never describes salvation as happening through a simple prayer, accepting Jesus without understanding, or attending the right church. First, a genuine disciple is loyal and dedicated to Jesus Christ himself. Second, a genuine disciple is committed to the doctrine or teaching in the NT that comes from Jesus or his Apostles. Colossians 2 says it this way,
Colossians 2:6–7 6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Following Christ
Christ is the Center. As Christians we are to “walk in him” to be “rooted and built up in him.” As we grow in our faith, Christ is to increasingly become the center of our motives, values, desires, and goals. Believers help one another to “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him” (Col. 1:10).
Helping on Purpose
The duty of the church body is to teach people to observe all that Christ commanded (Matt 28:19-20). As a member in the body, each believer is given this charge by the Lord “make disciples” and “teach them.” Consider what Ephesians says about the church, it “builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (4:16). You as a believer within the body should obey Jesus by meeting with others for the purpose of helping follow Christ.
Why Discipleship?
God desires pastors and teachers to instruct the church in the Bible so that each member is equipped and engaged in growing the church toward Christlikeness (Eph 4:11-13).
Rooted is a simple structure that purposefully directs members to encourage each other by praying, reading the Bible, and reading Christian books together.
The Word of ChristThrough Scripture, God changes people, encourages the weary, rebukes the proud, brings faith to the doubter, produces repentance in the sinner, and leads the reader to grace through Christ. Meeting for the purpose of one on one Bible study and prayer will transform your life.
Growing in Christ
The hardest part of building effective relationships can be the first step. Rooted helps to bring people together for partnership in following Christ. Signing up and letting us know a bit about your Christian walk will help the pastors to oversee this area of need and/or opportunity.
The Gospel of Christ
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Consider meeting with an unsaved friend to read and study the BIble together so that they might come to Jesus! The implanted Word is able to save. Trust the Living Scripture to do the work.
Christ-Centered Doctrine
The pastors of Crossway have compiled a handful of recommended resources that are doctrinally sound, encouraging, and will be helpful in growing in Spiritual maturity. These recommended resources as well as some copies of these books are available at the Rooted kiosk.
Every member should be helping others to follow Christ. As we build relationships we should be able to say “Follow me as I follow Christ” (1 Cor 11:1).
Meeting in person, seeing one another on Sunday, or going to someone’s home we need to walk with people as we help them follow Christ.
Rooted helps you to obey the Lord by encouraging intentional relationships, helping you find good resources, and giving you structure to guide others to follow Christ.
Steps to Get Started.
Sign up & fill out the form below.
Wait for pastors to give you some direction &
a person to meet with.Meet with another believer to decide what study would be best.
Begin meeting & let us know!